
It's time for a bullet update because my brain is full of details and I need to get them OUT!

- I've missed blogging... BUT given the state my heart and mind have been in over the last few weeks I didn't trust myself to get on here and not spout off... still kinda testing the waters on that one :).

- My youngest sister is FINALLY home in the States and it's been so nice having all my siblings together to torture.. I mean enjoy time with!  She's rocking her awesome wedding knowledge at David's Bridal so if you are in need of a dress go see her... seriously she. knows. weddings.

- Grief is a crazy thing... there are a lot of swings.. mood swings, life swings, park swings... ok I digress.  It's been a little intense navigating all the feelings that have come up as a result of our little foray into the world of foster care.  I can honestly say the last month to a month and a half have been a nightmare... but we're starting to wake up finally (which is why I can even write that).

- Knowing God has a plan and hearing about it are two TOTALLY different things.  I say this with all the love in my little squishy heart but... "That sucks" is way more helpful than " God's got a plan" right now.  If you've said that to us we love you and greatly appreciate the support... just sometimes you don't want anyone to try and fix your situation... you just want a hug, a bucket of wings and some friends to stand by your side while you wander your way through the pain... I know God has a plan, I fully believe that but right now it just hurts because it means that  part of that plan was we'd feel this pain and well... that sucks.   BUT I LOVE hearing that people are praying for us... that one never, never, never falls on deaf ears.

- We officially stepped down from foster care today.  I cannot even begin going into the ordeal that we've seen unfold in front of us the last few weeks.  There have been moments where I've asked, shouted and cried "God did we hear you wrong" in my heart.. but I still believe we were and are exactly where we are supposed to be.  Our friend J commented the other day that we now have more "pre" parenting experience than anyone!  We've had 6 kids come through our home in some capacity over the last year and each one has had different struggles, been in a different life stage and taught us some huge life lessons... like girls are gross... I don't know how that happens but they are way worse than boys... that still makes no sense to me!

- Steve took me on a date last night for the first time in 3 months.  What did we do??  We went and got our tree, car danced, drank starbucks and ended the night standing on a dock just enjoying the silence that has become so hard to find.  I've realized I don't care what we do as long as I have time with that man I'm ok... the last 3 months of almost no time to "get away" from it all... that's not gonna work anymore.

- Steve and I have committed to each other that we are going to write one song a week... whether it's a crap song or one you might actually hear doesn't matter... the point is it's time to start writing and see what comes of it.  We've had a lot of requests for recorded songs over the last few years and it just hasn't happened because we didn't make it a priority... now we are... who know.. maybe you'll get some more awesome tunes like this one in the future!

- I don't know why it cut it in half but you can still hear it :)

 - I've been hard at work developing new products for my shop and it's been a lot of fun!  One of my biggest sellers is the lip balms and this week they released studies about the levels of lead and other toxic materials that are in commercial lip products.  It made me so grateful that from the beginning the purity of my products has been so important.  It really does matter what you put on your body as much as what you put in it.  Every product, whether it's lotions, balms or sprays goes straight into your blood stream through your pores.  That's something to think about as you decide where to spend your money. Buy local, support small businesses and KNOW what's in your products!

Well I think that just about updates things.  I'm off to get bedrooms ready because my bestie and her family descend in a bit to stay the night before they more to Hawaii tomorrow.  I am heartbroken that she is leaving but so excited for this next step and a change of pace for them as a family

And THEN my awesome In-Laws (no sarcasm... I really do LOVE them!!)  get here on Friday so there will be lots of family time and music related things going on in the next week.

Be Blessed!


Elizabeth said…
Oh boy... I'm so sorry for all you've been through! And I 100% agree about people saying "God has a plan." Unless they've recently been through something TOUGH and it's coming from a place of recent (or tragic) experience, it's just hurtful. THanks for being so vulnerable!
Katie said…
Thanks Elizabeth!

I agree.. some of our best friends literally showed up with a bucket of wings and a bunch of other goodies right after a really, really bad day and it meant so much.

I think actions mean a lot more when you're in the middle of a crisis!
