Waiting in Hope
Life seems to be all about abrupt transitions right now. Everything happens quickly and with little notice and that's ok... it keeps us on our toes!
Last week we had our awesome nieces and nephew stay with us for a week and it was a crazy, beautiful mess of a time. We love having those munchkins over... when else do we have an excuse to play hide and go seek at 7 at night?? It was definitely a sweet time of bonding with them, seeing their hearts a little more and laughing a LOT! Spending the week with them also further solidified in our minds that we were created for older kids.. at least at this stage of our life.
Another abrupt transition was our awesome chickens!! A dear friend tacked our sweet chicks onto her order of hundreds and surprise!! They came home yesterday... you should have seen this mama fret. We weren't expecting them for two more days so we didn't have ANYTHING for them.. Steve looked at me before they came and said "Katie don't get so attached... remember they're food"... HA!! You should have seen that man when those babies entered our house... he is smitten! That's one of the biggest things I love about Steve. He loves babies. He has such a tender heart and is SO gentle and loving with fragile things. I am so blessed to be waiting for our forevers with this man!
Last week, in between the kids and chickens, I headed to Georgia for the Created for Care conference. It's an adoption conference for women only and it is SO needed once a year!! There were amazing speakers, challenging moments and a lot of tears.. but my favorite part of the conference was who I roomed with. My friend Jenna came but then we also had two women room with us that we'd never met before... and who I now feel like I've known forever!!
The conversations, insights and encouragement that came from being with those three women was priceless to me!! It was so fun to see how God wove our time together. If you looked at us on paper it didn't seem like we had that much in common... all totally different adoption situations and from different parts of the country.. but our hearts were the same. I'm so blessed to have had that time!
I've had a few people ask me about the two children we were being considered for. As far as we know we are still being considered but our social worker is having a hard time contacting the children's social worker so we aren't really expecting anything to come of it. That's just part of domestic adoption (through the state) and we roll with it. We've learned at this point not to emotionally attach to any situation until we know it's going to move forward. We do know our worker is working with another sibling group that they say we are a "strong match for" but we don't know anything other than that...
And so in the meantime we wait in hope, focus on not killing our chickens and prepare for the spring and summer season with our With Love products!
Thank you so much for praying for us, encouraging us and waiting hopefully with us!! We love you all!