Mental Download

Be praying for us this weekend for several reasons!
1. We are doing a project at home this weekend that requires some finess so pray we don't screw it up.
2. We are praying about a sibling group but honestly mountains would need to be moved for it to happen

I know I don't usually mention things BEFORE they happen.  I usually just put something up after each situation has resolved, imploded or turned out to be nothing.  But taking a page from my friend Melissa's book I'm going to put it out there (a small part anyways).  We learned of a sibling group yesterday that we are interested in and praying about.  The catch is we are kinda in adoption "limbo" right now.  We have a home study but that home study is for adopting infants and children 5 and younger.  We do not have an older child/foster home study yet.  This home study basically states we have done the training required etc.  We are on a waiting list to complete the training and then have our home study completed.  We have been given no timeline for this because... well.. it's adoption.  If you're given a timeline it's usually totally vague and if it's not it's usually not true.  So if you could just pray that we could somehow move up the list quickly and get the training or that I will magically become patient.  Thanks :)

We're watching my friend's puppy this weekend.  She is currently whining because I separated her from my dogs while she ate.  She's doing more whining than eating at the moment though and it's getting old.

I have two good friends moving in the next two weeks.  I'm really happy for them as they begin a new chapter of their life.  I'm selfishly really sad for me as it means I don't see their faces as often.

My birthday is in two weeks and Steve wisely planned a surprise for me after I not so subtly told him he needed to get his butt in gear.  I'm such a sweet wife sometimes :)

To date I have lost 14.5 lbs and I am extremely excited about this!

I've learned there are really two approaches to adoption and both are equally hard.  Either you are the type to break down barriers and charge ahead with every opportunity or you are the type to wait patiently.  Usually every waiting momma is both of these things at different times... sometimes in the course of 30 minutes... this helps to convince others we truly are nuts.

I'm reading a book right now that is kinda ripping my heart out over and over and over.  I'm not really ready to talk about what I'm learning from it but God is doing some pretty intense re-molding.

My dad got his first "new" foot a few weeks ago.  He's been doing physical therapy and working on learning to walk with it and it is an intense process!  There is a lot of pain, a lot of growth and it's been amazing to watch.

I read this morning in Matthew where Jesus said he desires "mercy and not sacrifice".  He was talking to the Pharisee's and it really is getting a workout in my head today.  How often do I follow the path of the Pharisee's and use service as an excuse to disconnect from people?  How often do I get caught up in the "sacrifice" of my time and not engage in showing mercy?

And with that I think I'm done with my download.  I've gotta go finish moving furniture, paint a bathroom, buy supplies at Lowes, chow down with a dear friend and try and stay out of trouble.

Have a great weekend friends!
