Fall Is Here!!!

A few weekends back was such a busy but fun one for us!

That Friday, Steve and I got to meet with some new friends for dinner.  We got to talk about marriage, life, choices and all over amazing steak :)  It's all about the food!!! Ok, not really but it was good!  We came away grateful we had met them and grateful to Jesus for where he has brought us from. It's always good to be reminded where you came from and how He has brought you through it.  Steve and I don't share parts of our story through large venues like this but we've definitely see God's hand and protection on us.  He has brought us through the storms, hurricane's even,  and on the other side every time has been life like we never imagined.  If you're going through one of those storms right now hold on, don't give up!

Saturday we got to spend most of the day with my dad and two sisters.  My mom and brother couldn't be with us because he had a race the next day (he races motor-cross).  What did we do the whole day?  Well so glad you asked.  We went to the State Fair!!! We hadn't been in several years and so it was a big deal for us.  We used to go every year.  It was tradition.  We had the layout memorized and loved every minute of it!  This year everything was different.  It was in a new location (too spread out in my opinion but might be cause I LOVED the old place) and we went on the next to last day.  We had a great time and saw everything but there was so much more walking than at the old place because it was much more spread out.  The location was completely beautiful though!

I come from a large family and everyone is getting to the point where they have their own lives.  The youngest is 18 and that's a little weird for me honestly.  I don't get to spend much time with my sisters these days and so I cherished every moment I got with them at the state fair.  Who wouldn't?  They both are so much fun and so supportive of family.  We might not be in every detail of each other's lives but we love each other and are on the sideline rooting whenever we can.

Both of my sisters are moving to Australia next month.  It's starting to sink in and there is just a little freaking out going on in my head.... this will be the fist time that half our family is separated for that long... a year is a long time... and a short time.  I know they will have an amazing experience and learn so much about themselves... a part of me is so terribly jealous of the adventure they are striking out on... then I remember my own adventure.  So many things are going to be happening in the next year.  It will be interesting to see how each of us has changed when they come back!!

Suz and Jen, I love you both so much!  You bring a light and fun to our family that would be lost without you! Thank you for reminding me it doesn't always have to be serious, spontaneous has it's place and that Bridget Jones is an authority for life.... ok maybe not life but some really great quotes!

love to all!
