Things to Come....

So I kinda crashed and burned with the blogging for the last two weeks.  There's been so much going through my head but I've just been unable to process it, communicate it or even understand most of it.

I am such a stubborn person!  I want what I want, when I want it.  How ridiculous is that?  Over the past few weeks I've started to feel like I'm in limbo... like I don't really know what direction I'm headed... waiting for it all to be laid out in a nice picture for me so I can get on with the adventure.  Well as far as I can see and understand life doesn't work like that.  There are starts and stops and a lot of times you are waiting.

We're in that waiting phase and it's just been a little hard for impatient me! I'm learning though.  I've been meditating on James 4 for the last probably 3 weeks.  I will continue to meditate on it until I feel God tell me to move on.  It's been such a good reminder to me.  Not to quarrel, to stay humble and to remember God is our judge and I am no one's.  I've seen a slight shifting in my heart as I've been reading this and meditating on it.  Nothing I'm doing, I know this for sure so God is gently molding me and helping me to see areas I need to work on and give over to him to shape.  One of those is choosing to defend and support my family regardless.  I don't consider that just my immediate family either. My sister is so good at this.  She always speaks the positive about us to people.  Of course there are exceptions when she's frustrated and needs to work something out but what I hear more often than not is the good she shares about us.  I want to be like that.  It's not like I go around bashing people but there are times where I've said more than I should or came away thinking I should have praised more and so I'm learning when to praise and when to simply stay silent.

Staying silent is something I've really been learning the last few weeks.  I've never been one to shoot my mouth off but have had situations where I thought I was venting and getting advice and the other person thought I was gossiping.  I've learned through a very painful life lesson that if someone thinks you are gossiping they will not check with you to see what your motive was or where your heart is.  They will go, they will tell others and it becomes a mess.  I have experienced what it feels like to have people think the worst of you and to say the worst of you.  I have been guilty of repeating things myself.  I have learned it is better to keep quiet and talk to Steve when I need to work something out than to just assume someone knows my intentions.  This also goes along with simply choosing to think the best.  There are black and white issues that of course as believers need to be addressed but when those grey issues come up it's better to pray for those involved than get involved yourself.

If you're going through a painful situation stop and pray.  Pray for those involved, pray for your family and pray you can forgive.  Pastor Grant said something a few months ago though that has stayed with me and given me such clarity on a lot of different areas of my life.  "Forgive quickly, trust slowly".  Just because you forgive someone for the pain caused does not mean you jump back in where you were.  Take it slow and see what happens.

love to all!


Jes said…
Praying for you, friend! We love you!