The way things were and they way things are headed.... plus my random nonsense :)

So I took a break from thinking I have to blog every day the last week and a half.  The first reason was I was out of town working but also the conference we co-hosted put me in such a glorious overload of information that I needed to take a step back.... that and we decided to paint our kitchen.... yeah what was I thinking???

So last week we went to this conference on the persecuted church.  Never have I been in a situation where I felt so wholly exposed for how callous I've become, so vulnerable to my emotions as I realized how wrong I've been and completely challenged I became as I realized what I could do to help and be a part of God's story.

We were told story after story about what is going on with believers around the world.  I can't share them through this blog but there were some amazing, gut-wrenching stories that left we feeling raw inside and ashamed of how I've forgotten them.  I have forgotten my brothers and sisters who are daily proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ and being beaten and jailed for it.  I have neglected to pray for them, to lift them up, to go to them when possible, to love them. These people are strong and have the joy of the Lord.  I have forgotten what the early church was like and that it isn't simply the early church but that it is today's church.  As I read through Acts I see everything I was taught this week and learned is happening today.

How can we treat the Bible like it is a thing of the past?  How can I limit God so severely to only working in a church? The Bible is alive, it's the living, breathing word of Jesus Christ.  It's active and moves throughout our lives and yet so many and I am just as guilty, treat it like something to read and check off our "to do" list.  We make time with God a thing that we have to make sure we do instead of enjoy.  I have done that and am trying to retrain myself that it is not the way to get to know my creator.  I cannot know his heart if I don't seek it.  I cannot hear his voice if I don't speak to him and listen.  I cannot know him if I treat him like he's ancient and someone I pray to when I have a need!!!

I am greatly convicted and excited.  I am scared, challenged, motivated and sad at the same time.  I've had blinders taken from my eyes and see the world differently.  I see Jesus again.  It's a pretty amazing thing to wake up to and to start to see him in everything again.  My prayer is I don't forget.  That I don't regress back to looking but not seeing.

I want more of him... the more I experience the more I want.  I want to jump for joy and dance.  I want to sing his praises and proclaim his name.  I want to be free!

love to all!
