Weekend Fun!
Well it was a wonderful weekend! I got to spend so much time with Steve and catch up on some sleep which has been lacking lately!
Friday, Steve went in and had his Karate test for his blue belt. It was a brutal test and I was so proud of him for it! He put so much effort into it that by the end of it he could barely move. Good job baby!
Saturday, we spent a lot of the day running errands and taking it easy. That night we decided to do the only thing we did for Halloween this year.... the ghost tour at Colonial Williamsburg.....BAD IDEA. It was so much fun in the beginning but as it went it go dark and well just very dark. Here's some trivia about me. I don't like things that have to do with ghost, demons, supernatural stuff. I don't handle it well.... at least things that treat it like it's something fun. Poor Steve, I didn't sleep well at all that night. He was very patient with me though :)
Sunday was a awesome day at LBC. We had so much fun worshipping in Genesis and talking with people. We love getting to be a part of this group of people every Sunday and are so blessed by how they support and love on us! We constantly talk about how blessed we feel to be doing something we love so much!!
So today, the alarm didn't go off and we woke up late. We flew around the house getting packed and getting things together. Finally we got on the road, only 30 minutes late! We are now at the International Learning Center for a conference and I've loved being here. Tomorrow starts a conference on the persecuted church. I am so excited to be a part of this and learn from the speaker Nik Ripken. Nik is one of the formost experts on the persecuted church, has an amazing heart for Jesus.... he's one of those people you just want to be around you know? The other thing I've loved is being a part of this environment where everyone I meet here is in the service of the King. So many sold out, radical, normal people. They are in so many places of the world and have experienced so many things. But they are the same as you and me.
I had a comment this weekend about my last post and that I was being harsh towards Islam. I honestly do not believe in debating religion... most people that want to debate it only want to be heard and don't have any interest in what you believe or the truth. I just want to say that my experience with the muslim community has been nothing but amazing. They have all been loving, kind and giving. The friends I made and experiences I had made a lasting impression on me. I do believe though that Islam is wrong. I believe Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. I believe anything less than a personal relationship with him will send you to Hell. I know this is offensive for many and that is ok. I do not think anyone is less because they do not believe. I also was told not everyone can go to another country to do missions. I do not think everyone is called to go to another country to do missions but I do believe if you are a follower of Jesus Christ you are called to activly be seeking to see his kingdom come. I also believe if you are called to missions and called to international missions God will provide the way. I could not afford to go to Africa when I went several years ago. People supported me though and helped me get there. I believe completely that God provided that support for me. So I believe if someone is called to go the way will be provided.These are my views. .
Anyways, off to sit and listen to the life stories of these missionaries and pastors. I've learned so much just today... I can't imagine what tomorrow will be like!
love to all!
Friday, Steve went in and had his Karate test for his blue belt. It was a brutal test and I was so proud of him for it! He put so much effort into it that by the end of it he could barely move. Good job baby!
Saturday, we spent a lot of the day running errands and taking it easy. That night we decided to do the only thing we did for Halloween this year.... the ghost tour at Colonial Williamsburg.....BAD IDEA. It was so much fun in the beginning but as it went it go dark and well just very dark. Here's some trivia about me. I don't like things that have to do with ghost, demons, supernatural stuff. I don't handle it well.... at least things that treat it like it's something fun. Poor Steve, I didn't sleep well at all that night. He was very patient with me though :)
Sunday was a awesome day at LBC. We had so much fun worshipping in Genesis and talking with people. We love getting to be a part of this group of people every Sunday and are so blessed by how they support and love on us! We constantly talk about how blessed we feel to be doing something we love so much!!
So today, the alarm didn't go off and we woke up late. We flew around the house getting packed and getting things together. Finally we got on the road, only 30 minutes late! We are now at the International Learning Center for a conference and I've loved being here. Tomorrow starts a conference on the persecuted church. I am so excited to be a part of this and learn from the speaker Nik Ripken. Nik is one of the formost experts on the persecuted church, has an amazing heart for Jesus.... he's one of those people you just want to be around you know? The other thing I've loved is being a part of this environment where everyone I meet here is in the service of the King. So many sold out, radical, normal people. They are in so many places of the world and have experienced so many things. But they are the same as you and me.
I had a comment this weekend about my last post and that I was being harsh towards Islam. I honestly do not believe in debating religion... most people that want to debate it only want to be heard and don't have any interest in what you believe or the truth. I just want to say that my experience with the muslim community has been nothing but amazing. They have all been loving, kind and giving. The friends I made and experiences I had made a lasting impression on me. I do believe though that Islam is wrong. I believe Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. I believe anything less than a personal relationship with him will send you to Hell. I know this is offensive for many and that is ok. I do not think anyone is less because they do not believe. I also was told not everyone can go to another country to do missions. I do not think everyone is called to go to another country to do missions but I do believe if you are a follower of Jesus Christ you are called to activly be seeking to see his kingdom come. I also believe if you are called to missions and called to international missions God will provide the way. I could not afford to go to Africa when I went several years ago. People supported me though and helped me get there. I believe completely that God provided that support for me. So I believe if someone is called to go the way will be provided.These are my views. .
Anyways, off to sit and listen to the life stories of these missionaries and pastors. I've learned so much just today... I can't imagine what tomorrow will be like!
love to all!