Going With The Flow

The last few months have been extremely well... I can't think of a word to adequately describe them.  We got busy... we got so busy that we became inable to do anything really well... everything was done just enough for us to get by and I hate living like that.  It is not hard for me to be flexible but there are situations where it is... hmm that was a really confusing sentence.  I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm generally a pretty organized person but all organization has gone out the window and now I am desperately trying to find some semblance of order in the chaos that emerged.  My house is dirty... I know that's not something everyone usually talks about but I'm just going to go ahead and say we've been so busy and so mentally exhausted that cleaning has fallen to the end of a very long list of responsibilites. 

Steve and I were talking this weekend about how much things are out of wack... I haven't been cooking very much lately and that is horrible because I LOVE to cook!  I love finding recipes and tweeking them until we can eat them with our diet or until I have made them better!  I very rarely use a recipe completely how it's written... I love being creative in the kitchen and I've seen that fall away over the last few months... that is not me. 

We've been on the go so much that our poor puppies have barely seen us.  I feel like a bad momma... ok well I'll try to stay away from the guilt portion of my feelings and just say I want to have time to love on them.

Steve and I have been really focusing all our spare time to seeking each other out.... We had stopped talking among everything else because we were so tired and well talking takes energy.  This weekend we were again reminded how easy it is for your marriage to get off track and how much work it takes to get it back.  After several awful encounters this weekend we realized a very important thing... both of us were trying to lead, and neither of us was trying to approach our marriage as Christ would have us.  So after a few minutes my sweet, amazing husband put a stop to all of the arguing and bickering.  He simply humbled himself and washed my feet.  It was such a simple act but broke through the wall I'd put up during our argument. He is the perfect match to me.  We have a ways to go to get back to where we should have been this whole time but he's my other half.  God knew what he was doing, and does know what he's doing. 

We're learning a lot about putting all our cares on him and trusting.  We have so many changes that are going to be happening in the next year to two years.  We will need to sell our house this year to have time to prepare and get ready for the kids in the next one.  We will also start the process to adopt next June/July.  We are so excited about this but also know God is going to be supplying some miracles left and right.  We don't doubt for a second that he can sell our house for what we need and provide another house for us with enough space that we can grow or at least not be tripping all over each other.  We also know and are believing he has put the call to adopt on our life and as such he's going to provide the finances we need to make that a possibility.  We're already seeing that happen!  So I guess all this rambling to say trust him. It's that simple.  Stop worrying about what might happen or what might not.  He has this all worked out and it's better that our plans.... so much better!

So this was rambling and I'm sure at time confusing but like I said in the beginning of this post I'm in a crazy, disjointed period of life :).  Next month though things take a turn for the slower and more marriage focused so we shall see what happens then!

love to all!
