Happy New Year

Wow 2010 came and went so fast!  I think part of it was we have begun to plan and think ahead to 2011 so much as that's when we will start the adoption process.  To celebrate the new year we have decided to list a few of our goals for this next year.  We don't like to list resolutions or anything but just things we'd like to see change or to try :)  Have a happy New Year everyone!  We'll post pictures and stories from our trip this coming Monday!

2011 GOALS and things we have coming this year:
Sell our house this Spring
Buy a new house this Spring/Early Summer
Both travel to another country this year (Katie- Kenya and Steve- Canada)
Begin the adoption process in July
Begin working on another language
Learn more about natural living, begin to experiment with herbs and natural remedies. (my brother says I'm a hippie!)
Take more time to play and not over-extend ourselves with "good things"
Make sure those we love know they are loved
Connect with our families more

love to all!


Yay for natural living. Haha, hippie! ;)
Katie said…
ha, yeah Steve has taken to calling me this as well. Have you guys ever heard of The Bulk Herb Store? I'm in love! They are believers, it's an online store and have tons of tutorials on how to maximize the benefits of herbs etc! Most of my Christmas presents were from there this year!!!