Reliving My Youth

Last night I went out to go see Face to Face at the Norva. Oh, you don't know who Face to Face is? They're only the greatest punk band I've ever heard. They've been together now for about 20 years (we'll forget that brief little hiatus they took).

It was my brother who got me in to them. If I remember correctly, we started listening to them when Big Choice came out. That was back in 95 and I was in the 8th grade. My family was living in Okinawa Japan and my brother had gotten into surfing, which means he'd also gotten into punk, reggae, and ska. I was in my huge metal phase (Metallica, Sepultura, Megadeth, etc) and when I heard Face to Face for the first time I was hooked. Since that day my favorite song of theirs has always been Disconnected.

I've followed them since, though not as much as I used to. These days most the music I purchase is worship music so I can figure out something new to play in church. I buy a few secular albums here and there, but I've kinda gotten out of the loop.

So, last night was an opportunity to relive a small part of my youth. The last time Face to Face came to town was in 2003 I think. It was amazing to see them. It was also kind of different because I have transitioned into the "old guy" phase at concerts now. I usually want to drop kick people when they run into me. I'm more comfortable assuming the arms-crossed position and occasionally throwing a fist or 2 into the air. Well, when Face to Face came on, you would have thought it was Christmas for me. I had my arms around Derek and my brother and we sang songs at the top of our lungs.

And then Disconnected came on...

I had previously warned Derek and my brother that if they played that song (which was a 99.9% possibility) that I was liable to get a little crazy.

I held out as long as I could, but then I politely handed Derek my keys and vaulted over about 50 people (I'm pretty sure I elbowed some guy in the face - sorry dude) and SHOUTED the lyrics to that song.

I have to say, it was really fun to feel like I was 14 again. However, while feeling like I was a carefree 14 year old was great, I know that the best is yet to come.

Oh, and a special thank you to my lovely smoking hot amazingly great woman who I love more than anything (except Jesus) Katie Day who didn't complain when I got home at 1130! Guys, you need to find yourself a woman who will allow you be still be a guy! Who laughs when you do something silly like jump on some guys head because a band played your favorite song. I love you Katie Day!
