Stories From Our Journey

You know those moments where you step back, close your eyes and just marvel at that amazing thing that just happened... yeah that's been my life the last few weeks.  Steve and I were talking earlier about how we feel like "thank you" is beggining to not even convey a portion of how we feel.  Blessed, amazed, humbled, in awe are some of the words to describe... but really aren't part of our conversations with the TONS of people who have come forward to help us with this yard sale and ultimately with bringing our babies home.  I wanted to take a few minutes and just tell you some of the stories from the last few weeks :). 

A few weeks ago as we were getting ready for the Genesis choir we were having lunch with the team.  We were all eating and getting to know each other.  Suddenly one of the women takes me aside and hands me something.  She tells me "We've always had a heart for adoption and we wanted to help."  I look down at what she has handed me and realize she has just given me $100.00... WOW!!  We have had several moments like this where people have just come up to us and told us God has lead them to help and to give.  It is so humbling and constantly God usues this on days when we are feeling overwhelmed or tired to remind us that he's got this!

Last week my friend and her kids were over at our house helping with planting some flowers.  Her sweet daughter walked into my room and saw our jar that we keep any money in that we are saving for the adoption.  She saw the jar and just joked with me about how she would put her dollar in there if she had it with her... at that point she didn't know what the jar was for.  I explained to her what the jar was for and how it was money to help bring our babies home.  Without blinking she says "I'm going to go get my dollar".  This 7 year old went out and got her only dollar and gave it to us to help bring our babies home... I was in tears and all I could think of was the widow who gave her last mite... this child showed me Jesus that day!

One of our friends from church heard what we were doing early on.  Well a few days after he hears he contacts me and tells me he has some stuff for us... well several weeks go by and today he dropped off a UHAUL FULL of items.  Not only did he do that but he gave us money for several items he had already sold, told us his grandmother was baking us items to sell at the bakesale AND is planning to come help us at 6 in the morning the day of... so humbled, so unworthy... so blessed!

there are so many more stories but what it all comes down to is God is showing us his faithfulness over and over.  He is showing us that we are in his hands... that he is in control and it's so overwhelming at times!

His love is unfailing!

love to all!


it's going to be amazing!!! rest in Him through it all...He'll carry you! can't wait to hear about it!