Nearing the End and the Beginning

This weekend will mark then end of an era in Katie and I's life as well as the life of our church. Most everyone who attends the church should know by now that after this Sunday, the Genesis service will be no more. Tonight, we are going to have the last practice which is going to be a tough one.

It wont to be hard from a musical or a functional standpoint, however, tonight we begin the process of saying goodbye to one of the largest parts of our life for the past 4 years or so. While we'll still be serving at the church and we're excited about what's to come, it's never easy to leave what's familiar. Speaking of what's familiar...

Last night while leading at Fusion I had a mini-revelation about who I am onstage and who I am everywhere else. Now, I'm not leading a double life in action, but I do struggle with being open about my faith outside of those I trust or at church. To be painfully honest, I'm pretty terrible at leading my home spiritually. I think maybe I've been hoping that when I became a dad that the Holy Spirit would magically sprinkle the Ultra-Dad powder on me and I'd be a spiritual beast!

I think I have better odds of winning the lottery (side note - I don't play the lottery but I do occasionally pray/dream Ed McMahon will knock on my door with one of those gigantic checks - just being honest).

Our college pastor was telling us last night that each of us are image bearers. I started looking at the image I portrayed as a whole and found that it wasn't Christ I was presenting, but a scared little boy. It's time that changed.

So now starts a new quest in my life. Learning how to be the spiritual head of our home in action and not just title. I welcome advice from all father's on how they do things around their home as well as materials that have been useful to you. Specifically I'm interested in Family Devotions - how you do them, how long are they, when do you do them, etc.

If you're like me, I invite you to start this journey with me. Lord knows that I'm not the only one who struggles with this. Statistically, good father's are greatly lacking in the world these days. I wan't to be the kind of dad who's witness as a father points to my faith in Christ.


Anonymous said…
So...obviously not a dad...but I can say that I have had a Dad who has definitely been a spiritual leader (he is not perfect, far from it, actually and he would state that himself) but I can honestly say that if it weren't for both of my parents guiding me, I wouldn't be where I am today with my walk with Christ. Dad would always sing songs and to this day, I remember them always being about Christ. He made sure that Christ was the center of everything we thought about. Even in discipline. He would disipline us, but then it would follow up with why and how Christ disciplines His children, and it still sticks to us kids this very day. We talk about it all the time! :)'s something you learn on a day by day basis. My parents will tell you this as I am sure any parent would tell you! I am so excited for both ya'lls journey and your kids! :)