My Heart Cries Out

We started this blog to keep track of our thoughts as we began this journey to bring our babies home.  It has evolved into more than that, a way to keep track of where we are in life but today my heart is with my babies.  Today my hearts cry is for adoption. 

I remember being 16 at Tabb High School and watching a movie in First Priority about the needs children overseas have.  I remember being moved to tears watching it and knowing in my heart and soul that one day I would help, one day I would not just sit by but would get involved.  I didn't know what that meant and still don't know completely but I do know that God's plan for my family is completely different than mine ever was.  I'm not going to "help" I'm going to be given a gift.  When our babies are put in our arms it won't be the "plan B" because we couldn't have babies.  It will be God's best and brightest for us.  It will be that peace and security, His plan.  I think about my babies at least once a day.  It's strange, this falling in love with someone you don't know, have no idea what they will look like, be like, how many of them there will be... I guess in a very different way maybe this is what it's like when you first find out you're pregnant? 

I was just reading an article about how adoption is on the rise amoung the Christian community.  It's so neat to see that this is happening, that it isn't just our hearts that God has pricked... there is a whole community of people that are hearing His call and responding to recieve his best!  I cannot stress enough how I feel that adoption is not helping a poor child so they can have a better life.  Adoption is simply another way of completing your family.  It is no better or worse than having a baby through child birth! 

Here's a quote from the article I was talking about:

"Pastors are starting to preach the whole counsel of God about the Father's love for the orphan, and calling churches to support the effort in all sorts of ways. Not every Christian is called to adopt, but every Christian is called to care for widows and orphans," Moore said, pointing to James 1:27. "I literally do not go five minutes these days without hearing from at least one family, via e-mail or social media, who testify that God has called them to adopt."

That's so neat to hear how dramatically God is moving on the matter of adoption!

I know a lot of people may read this and think "that's great but I'm not supposed to adopt."  That very well could be true but you can pray for those that are, you can pray for their babies and you can pray about helping them with the financial burden!

We have some family friends that are in the process of adopting right now.  I am so excited for them and follow their experiences on their blog, soaking up every ounce of wisdome there!  If you want to help someone bring home their little one go to and order some coffee.  It's easy and it helps bring home their baby! 

We have already seen how God has started providing money for us to save for our own little ones.  In 10 months we will start the process and will have at least a little bit saved.  God has really been teaching us lately though that he's got this.  He is putting this desire in our heart and he will raise people up who want to help and support us while we go through this journey.  He will provide a way for our house to sell for what we need, even in this market. He will provide a way that our income will be what we need in the next year.  We have cast all our cares upon him and are waiting excitedly to see what he is going to do in the next 10 months.  It's not always easy to wait and some days I take all that worry back on myself but I know my hearts cry is to honor and trust my Lord.  I know my hearts cry is to bring home these babies, our babies and I know my hearts cry is beginning to mirror his own... if even only a dim refelction. 

I'm excited for what's to come!

love to all!


Ruth Tate said…
I enjoyed reading your thoughts! You are in our minds and we will keep you in our prayers. Xx