Two weekends ago we went to a local museum with one of my best friends Mya.  It was such a nice time letting her daughters play with mine and just reconnecting after she'd been gone for awhile and well let's face it.. .I'm pretty much MIA these days... that is all changing soon though friends.. please don't give up on me!

So here's some pictures from that weekend.  I hope everyone is enjoying this shorter week as we gear up for Thanksgiving Day!

This is the look I get whenever I ask for a smile :)

She stopped long enough to pose and then ran on

She saw her sister do it so she did to.

moments before a meltdown.

my little chipmunk...

"hiding" from the camera


Anonymous said…
The girls are just gorgeous. I have several friends who either have adopted or are currently in the process, and I absolutely love hearing about godly people literally finding and going after children to love. I've always thought, what a beautiful thing-- to be able to tell your children "we CHOSE you"! All I really mean to say is thanks for sharing. You're all in my prayers. (And one of these days I'll see you at church and actually introduce myself rather than just continue creeping around your blog!)