
One thing that is consistent in adoption (ask anyone who's in one) is the changes.  Nothing stays the way you plan it, nothing happens how you think it will and if you try and hold on to your "plan" you are miserable.  That's pretty true in life in general though... we all have our plans but God may have other ideas... sorry just wanted to make it relevant for everyone :).

So Monday Steve and I dropped the girls off at their Grandma's house, played for an hour or so and just made a point to all be together for awhile.  At the end of our time Grandma asked to speak to Steve and my ears instantly perked up.  They went in the other room and talked for awhile and then shortly after we left as it was getting late.

On the way home Steve and I talked about what she had said.  She was concerned about how the girls were transitioning.  There was and is so much back and forth that they weren't sleeping well, they were beginning to act out (which TRUST me is not our babies) and just getting overwhelmed by being moved so much... if we have learned anything it's that babies need consistency.  So she asked us to please consider going back to the original plan of us having them on the weekends until we get to court.

At first we didn't like this idea but the more we thought about it, the more we realized she was right.  Of course we want the girls with us as much as possible.  We love them, they are our family.  The back and forth HAS begun to take it toll on them though.  I've seen it as much as their Grandma has.  So we talked with her yesterday and agreed that from now until March we will go back to having them on the weekends... there are some exceptions of course but for the most part we have them Friday through Sunday.

This was a hard thing to accept at first, but God has once again shown up and revealed how we were thinking about OUR needs and not our daughters.  Adoption does not really have a set timeline... you don't get into it knowing how long you will be waiting until you baby or babies are home.

 You walk the journey of adoption knowing that God has called you, that He's leading you down this path and that you will walk it for as long as he says.  I personally know friends who have been waiting far longer than we and have done it with much more grace.  I recently read a story of a family who went to pick up their 2 babies in Africa.  They passed  court with one and not the other... and so what did they do???  They chose to LIVE in Africa.  They are still there right now.  They have been living there for the last 9 months.  I have nothing to complain about with my measly 3 1/2 months.

 Yes, there is a chance that when we go to court we could lose.  But I just have a peace that God is taking us down this road and while it's had more twists and turns than I could have ever imagined it has also taught me more about God's faithfulness, His love which knows no end.  All of this has driven home the fact that He really must be enough.  These children cannot be our everything.  They will be our children, they will be loved with all we have... but Christ must be our everything.  

So during the waiting period I am focusing on being quiet.  I am home now and still only have our babies on the weekends.  I didn't expect this but God had a reason.  He has given me time to get to know him again... something that over the last year has seriously been neglected.  I now have time to just be quiet in my home, to cook and focus on loving my husband, to rest so that during the weekends we can love on those girls with all we have.

This time is a gift!

Be Blessed!

*Photos courtesy of Like a Dream Photography!!
