A Whirlwind of a Week

I've got about 20 minutes before my eggs are done so I'm going to try and take that time to document this last week... what a week it has been!

As I mentioned last week we are in the middle of this crazy fast called "7".  If that means nothing to you, go here and catch up on the insanity... but the short version is basically this month we are eating 7 foods, and only seven foods... we were oddly excited about it when we began... now we are entering the stage where if we were offered a 20 dollar bill or a burger the burger would win hands down!!

Today is day 9 of eating this way and let me tell you... there is nothing that can make you realize how much of a mess you are like intentionally denying yourself the things you're so used to having.  I have honestly been shocked by my behavior.  No one else has seen it.. well other than Steve.  I've been irritable, frustrated, hungry, there have been moments where I've gone and sat in a corner because the thought of chocolate is enough to put me into tears... I have become nuts basically.  

So why still go on?  Well the whole point of this is and was to simplify, learn discipline and patience and realize my wants are not always needs.  THAT has been miserable.  I have been incredibly humbled this week as I've realized just how selfish I am.  I've been heartbroken to realize just how much pride is wrapped up in my eating choices.  Steve and I's norm last month was if we were hungry and we were out we would pick something up.  It didn't matter to us if something went bad at home because of that.. at least our bellies were happy.  How convicting to have my eyes opened to how much money we've been wasting because of this.  

Now, I'm not against eating out and I'm certainly not against a good bacon cheeseburger... mmm bacon............. ok sorry I'm back.  I AM beginning to realize though that I don't need to satisfy every freakin' desire I have just because I have it.  I AM realizing that if it's only going to be 20 minutes until I'll be home... I can wait 20 minutes to eat.  Most of the world doesn't have the luxury of eating whatever they want, when they want it.  I need to make sure that I'm not squandering this blessing of plenty and in the process missing out on teaching my family what it is to take care of what we have.

The other thing that has happened since the day we started 7 was that everything hit the fan.. Wednesday afternoon I got a call from my friend who is renting from us... her dog had eaten through the floor and sub-floor in our rental home, Thursday was a really NOT fun detox day, Friday our AC went on the fritz and we realized we have a 6-10 thousand dollar expense coming, Saturday Steve's ear began bleeding and we found out his tumor may be coming back, Sunday we were just exhausted and cranky, Monday and Tuesday we fought like it was our calling and then YESTERDAY we got our first call for foster care!!

So the last week has been a lot of intense things... all while we're chowing down on chicken and sweet potatoes.  3 more weeks to go so we'll see where we are as things progress!

Tomorrow we open our home for the first time of many!  We will have two girls staying with us for just under 2 weeks and I am incredibly excited and appropriately nervous.  This last week God has really been breaking me about my desires and that's really going to be tested in the coming weeks  but I am GLAD he has counted me somehow worthy of this blessing of serving him.

I can't and won't give details about the girls past on here but please be praying for us as we learn how to be a family of 4 for two weeks (and with one teenager no less!!)

Updates to come but thank you for taking the time to share in our journey!

Be blessed friends!
