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The Blessing of "No".

"I think I've got things pretty together." This was the thought that went through my head, January 2018. I arrogantly surveyed things and any red flags in life were obviously the effects of other people's issues.  I was not the cause.   Every day was a long list of victim mentality fueled excuses.  I didn't need to change, everyone else did. Oh man did I learn. February hit like a freight train.  I came face to face with my worst fears as a mother and it left me in a crumpled heap on the floor.  I won't get into the details, but I remember the lesson I learned.  I remember the "No" for that season.  I cannot save my children.  I am not enough to fill them.  I cannot love them enough and any attempt to point them to myself instead of the Lord was arrogance and would always fail.   I remember the moment when I realized this.  I was standing in the dark in the kitchen.  The kids were all in bed....

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