EPIC.....or that was the title until Mya beat me to it... now it's EPIC WEEKEND :)

Apparently we us that word alot... I just like it so deal with it!  This past weekend was EPIC for several reasons... 1. We were able to tackle to largest part of our bathroom project and see it begin to take shape. (More on that tomorrow) 2. We were able to spend a lot of time with some amazing people and be blessed by their willingness to serve and their awesome kids. 3. We were able to serve our church family. 4. We were able to spend Sunday afternoon practicing with the most amazing Genesis EPIC choir ever! 5. God keeps showing us how faithful he is ... he is SO faithful!

So I said last week that I would talk about the giving side of adoption.  What I mean is over the last week ... and I can't believe it's only been a week... God has been blowing us away with people coming out of the woodwork to help us with our yard sale and with the cost of the adoption.  People I've only just met over the last few weeks or people I don't know very well have just walked up to me, smiled and handed me $100 or handed me bags of things for our yard sale.  When does that happen??? Seriously!!  Other friends have given up an entire DAY to come and help me with projects around the house.  They understand the nesting thing and instead of just saying "good luck with that" they've come and cleaned my ceiling fans... side note I have not been able to clean... like really clean my house in the last year.  Yes I know it's gross and makes you wrinkle up your nose... I wrinkled mine.. but that's just the price you pay when you're life is as crazy and busy as ours is.  It's not an excuse but it sure was a blessing to look up and see my friend cleaning away while I got to just love on her kids!  We've learned and realized that we don't get stressed out by having a house full of kids.  We crave it!

So  here are some pictures from the weekend.  I know this isn't the longest post ever but this week is going to be shorter ones but I will still post!

the paneling before we painted!

he has a rough life as you can clearly see!

the tile

the beginning

Jeremy helping so much!

fighting the pollen to get the primer on!

rushing to beat the storms

yeah she pretty much rocks!

so serious.... more like retarded 

primer up!

we're tired but having fun!

off to lunch!

beautiful... that's all that needs to be said!

crazy, sweet boys!

sweet girl!

My favorite little girls!!


sneak peek of the finished floor... pictures of the bathroom coming soon!
love to all!
