You Mean it Costs That Much?

When we first started looking into the adoption process, I did what I think a lot of guys probably do. I looked at the cost and immediately had a mental freakout. I say mental freakout because as dudes know, when going into something like this, we've got to appear strong and like we have it all together.

That didn't work out so well. Apparently guys, your wife really wants to know how you feel and share that sort of stuff. Who'da thunk it? Turns out, women have that same fear over the financial aspect of it.

God has done some crazy things in my heart since we started this process. When we first started out, my prayers went something like, "God, how are we going to come up with all the money we need?" Now, they've been changed into, "God, I know that you can do all things. I've seen your faithfulness too many times to count. I know that you planned this for us since day one and that you have a plan to again show us your faithfulness to provide."

When we went to our first meeting with Bethany, I realized how much my mindset had changed. They wait to talk about the financials until the very end and when they got to the overall price, I remember thinking, "That's it? Psh, God could raise that money in an instant." Complete mental shift. Before I would have mentally panicked, internalized it, and then probably not said anything for the rest of the day.

So, that all being said, we're now actively looking into the financial side of how we're going to get our kids home. We've got enough money saved to start (thank you Jesus) and now we're moving on towards the whole elephant. How can you help? Why that's kind of you to ask:
  • We've said it before, and we'll say it again. Please pray. Prayer isn't a fall back option or a last resort. It's the starting point for everything we do. Please pray God would get us ready, not only financially, but mentally as well.
  • Consider donating to our garage sale. We've had a number of friends do this and raise amounts that can only point to the greatness of our God, so we're going to follow in their footsteps.
  • Consider donating monetarily. I know that's a big one, especially with the economy being the way it is right now. Donations unfortunately are not tax deductible but they do receive our gratefulness (and maybe even a hug).
I leave you with this parting thought from James:
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.


Mya Perdun said…
As always, I'm praying. It's good to hear from you directly for once Steve. It definitely helps to put a different perspective on things. And YES, all wives want to hear those freak out thoughts guys are having, because we want to know that we're not the only ones freaking out!