Shameless (Paper) Pregnancy Pictures

Just to clear up a slight misunderstanding... I do not have a baby growing in my belly. :) We are Paper Pregnant which in the adoption world means we have begun the process or paperwork to bring our baby/babies home.  So instead of growing a baby for 9 months I am filling out questionaires, finding birth certificates and ordering driving records for several weeks, conducting interviews, and home visits for several months and then waiting :).  Not a bad trade off in my mind... I'm actully losing weight...

Ok moving on.  On Monday we met with our social worker and went over our  contract and all the fees etc.  We signed and handed over our first $1000.00 check... yes you read that right :).  I've heard a lot of negative comments over the past two weeks about how much it costs and it's a crime etc... well it does cost a lot but we don't worry about it... much.  Ok I do worry some but that's when I'm focusing on the wrong things.  Have you ever noticed when God calls you to do something he completely equipps you to do it.  It doesn't mean there isn't going to be hard work, sweat and tears involved.  But He still equips you.  So we are trusting and not worrying.  I don't fault the adoption agency for the costs... if anything they charge us $10,000 less than it costs them so I say a huge THANK YOU to them :)

Moving on to our pictures :).  That first check is like our first "baby bump" picture.... So here you go in all it's glory....

Our  "baby bump"

Love to all!


Jes said…
YAY congrats! I am so happy for you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stacey said…
yay! these pictures are treasures!! i never cared where we were or who asked us take pictures of us!!

i quickly ran through your blog... where have you guys decided to adopt from!?!
Katie said…
I know what you mean! I want it all documented! We are adopting domestically. God has taken our plans, turned them upside down and created something more beautiful for us! We're both very excited and at peace with the decision! Have been keeping you and Evan in my prayers as you wait for your little one. Can't wait to meet him!! Laurie talks about him non stop :)
Lindsey said…
SO exciting!!! I'm your newest follower and we just started our adoption journey!!! YAY!!! Come follow us back!

Lindsey :)