A New Chapter Begins

I am bubbling over with excitement tonight.  It's Sunday and we just got home from a great night leading worship at LBC.  I love being there and getting to be a part of things. I love that God has given Steve and I a way to use our love of music to glorify him!!!  I am constantly amazed at his faithfulness!

So back to the excitement.  This past week, I think it's something pastor said last week, I've had the statement that "sometimes you don't have to pray... you just know what God's telling you" rolling around in my head.  Every Sunday we go out to eat with my parents and then come home where Steve crashes and I try to catch up on house work.. I think I get the raw end of that deal :).

Well today I sorted through odds and ends and I decided to read through the adoption stuff we got from Bethany again.  As I was reading it I just realized... we're ready.  Why are we waiting another month when we are ready?  I felt so peaceful about it and knew this was right.  So I filled out the preliminary paperwork and when Steve woke up I asked him what he thought... more like talked to him about how we were ready really.  The funny thing is that conversation lasted all of 15 seconds.. I'm not kidding.  I told Steve what I wanted to do, he got a grin on his face, shrugged and we were off.

SO all of that to say.... WE HAVE OFFICIALLY BEGUN THE ADOPTION PROCESS.  We do not know where it will lead, how many children we will have, what they will look like or what is going to happen.  We have about 7% of our money  saved and are trusting that God's got this.  We believe he is going to bring people who believe in adoption and want to partner with us in this and that we will not have to go into debt for one thing during this process!!!  Please pray for us as we head down this road... our family will never be the same.

Love to all!!!


Woo! And it looks like you are both letting your hair grow out.
Katie said…
Indeed! Only you would notice that :). Miss you guys!
Unknown said…
Praying for you guys...so excited for you...God is so good!
Derek M. said…
Congrats! Good luck!!
Jenna Henson said…
That's so exciting!! Good luck let me know if there is anything I can do to help you guys raise funds or anything!
Alexis said…
How exciting! When I think about how much money we need to turn in for our adoption, it makes me laugh. We definately don't have it, but God does!
Anonymous said…
Yes!! So excited for you both! :) It's been an amazing journey watching Evan and Stacey go through it and how He has provided in just about every possible and more. Can't wait to see what God has in store for you two as well! :)