
I love reading blogs by other women who are going through the process living adoption.  Here is one I read yesterday that really just hit me... adoption really is life altering.  Obviously it changes how your family looks etc. but it's so much more than that.  Adoption alters you on a deeper level... a soul-searching, gut-wrenching level where you are taken to your lowest and only there do you find your fulfillment... in Christ.  We have learned more and more we are nothing without him.  We have also learned that as our story is written our family's history is changing before us... how cool is that?


The adoption alteration.

Our subdivision consists of super fancy houses, moderate homes and some apartments. The apartments are mostly family housing for the university. There are many international families that live there. I love how the playgrounds near the apartments are usually like a mini-U.N. meeting--if only the real nations could get along like the kiddos at the playground!

The other evening I sat and chatted with a Chinese couple while the girls played on the playground. They were very interested in Lindsey. I was a bit concerned because after every question, they would converse in Chinese leaving me wondering what they had to say about this American lady.

As it got dark, we both decided we'd better be getting home. As I called for the girls, the wife came over and put her hand on my shoulder. I wasn't sure where this was headed until I saw the tears in her eyes. In her soft, broken English she told me that she has seen young girls on the streets of Beijing. She went on to say, "There is no life for orphan in China, she have no future, .... to continue reading go here.  
