Spotify to the Rescue

One of the greatest things that has come out in the past few months is a new service called Spotify. Spotify is a service that you can use for free and listen to a bunch of ads (like Pandora) or you can pay for and listen to whatever you want, whenever you want, as often as you want.

When I first heard about it, I was kind of skeptical.  I mean, how much music could they have on there really?  It's not like labels are giving this stuff out for free.

Spotify has just about everything.  If anything has come out on a label with even minor distribution, it's out there.  I was worried that there might not be a whole lot in the Christian realm, but that fear was quickly quelled.

The only annoying thing about Spotify is that if you link it to your Facebook, then periodically it will post  lists of EVERYTHING you have listened to.  Have a closet musical crush on Justin Beiber? Not any more, "Thanks Spotify!"

Very quickly people began to notice a very eclectic mix of things.  One person noted the fact that I went from listening to Mastadon to Veggie Tales.  Nothing like listening to angry music and then singing sons about Water Buffalo's and childhood fears of your lips leaving your face.  Thankfully, I have changed it so that my musical choices are now hidden to the world.

However, I would like to share with you some recent finds that have really just blown my mind.


This album went way beyond being a breath of fresh air.  It's great to know that they are Christians, but the music continues to blow my mind.  This is the kind of album you put on and listen at 20.  It's got a nice mix of instrumentation from Banjo's and mandolin's to good ole rock n roll standard instrumentation.  And the singer's voice is so unique.  If you're a fan of Kings of Leon, then you absolutely need to check this album out.

Thrice - Major/Minor

I never really paid much attention to this band, but now I regret that decision. You might not know this, but the lead singer is also a worship leader at Mars Hill (Mark Driscoll's church - not Rob Bell).  The lyrics are really incredible.  There is so much Christian imagery to enjoy and really great production.  It's kind of annoying that a lot of people in the church haven't heard of these guys.

Rend Collective Experiment - The Organic Family Hymnal

This is a group out of Ireland who are making some incredible music.  Not all of it works in a typical church setting, but I could easily see it being played around a campfire.  You know, you, your friends, hungry for a time of musical worship, banging away on guitars and whatever else you can find.

These are just a few of the groups I've found out about.  Spotify has an almost unlimited amount of music for everything that you could want or need.  Hopefully in the future, you may just see Katie and I's album (whenever we get finished writing it, recording it) on there, though I wouldn't hold your breath.


Anonymous said…
Spotify is pretty great. And speaking of music, I was elated when I showed up at last Sunday's 6pm service to find you at the helm of some good old Genesis-style worship. I know you can never please everyone (let alone in a church!) and I've no desire to be a big complainer, so I will say just this: thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing the worship style I love (and which touches me where and when I need it) to us at 6pm on Sundays. I was sorely missing it.
Anonymous said…
Also! Not a huge Thrice fan (though in a rare mood, it hits the spot) but I'm NUTS about Dustin Kensrue's solo stuff. It's so fantastic.