Dave Ramsey Gave Me Nightmares and Indigestion

sweet dreams...

If you have no idea who Dave Ramsey is, please do yourself a favor and check him out before you read the rest of this post. Don't worry, I'll be waiting for you when you come back.

About 2 or 3 years ago, we did Dave Ramsey's financial peace class.  It's a couple month class where you meet once a week and have Dave Ramsey blow your mind with financial wisdom.  You also spend a lot of that time thinking about every single purchase you've ever made, every credit card you ever got, and how many blue shirts and jeans that Dave owns.

One of the things he said that has forever stood out to me was was a study about how your brain responds when you pay for things with cash.  It's incredibly eye opening.  Oh, and it will give you nightmares and indigestion for the rest of your life...

In this study, they hooked up brain wave monitors to people and watched their brain response when they pay for things with cash.  Most brains usually have similar responses when exposed to different stimuli (when your happy, sad, in pain, etc).  Interestingly enough, when they monitored a persons brain to see what activity happened, they found something....odd.

When you pay cash, your brain activity registers pain.


I never noticed it before. Until. Dave. Ramsey. Told. Me.

Evil, evil man.

Just look at him.  Creepy scissor holding Freddy Krueger.

Now, every time I pay with cash, I cringe.  I start sweating.  I get agitated.

If you're interested, they also checked to see what happened when you paid with a credit card.  No pain.  Which explains why people tend to pay out on average 12-18% more than they would have if they paid with cash.

I only say this because I'm about to buy a few things for my pedal board.  And Dave Ramsey is giving me  nightmares and indigestion.
