An Eye Opener

We've been watching the Passion 2012 conference live through the online streaming most of this week and it's been amazing and incredibly challenging!  Today they had several people who are working to stop sex trafficking in different parts of the world there to talk about what is going on.  One of the biggest things that stood out to us was how we are all fueling slavery in some way by the choices we make as consumers. 

When we buy from companies that in any way use people in bondage to create those commodities then we are helping the slave industry to continue by our choices.  You can go online and watch the sessions at Passion.  If you are intersted in this specific one it was session 6 and will be available for 24 hours.

One last thing you can do is get an idea of how many slaves are working for you through your buying choices. 

I'm sad to say my number was 47... what's yours?
