marriage is what brings us together

that blessed arrangement, that dream within a dream

If you don't know where that comes from I don't think we could ever truly be friends :)  Just kidding but it is one of the greatest movies of all time!  No, I'm still not going to tell you if you don't know!!

Seven years ago at this moment I was being driven to the hair salon by my crazy sister Suzie.. she still drives just as crazy today as she did that day.  I was nervous but not really.  I knew I was marrying my best friend of 6 years and I was ready.  At 11:30 am I began the journey of becoming Mrs. Day and the crazy, crazy adventure that began as a result was nothing I could have ever dreamed up.

We have faced insurmountable odds, loss, joy, triumph, pain, failure, glory and a deeper and deeper understanding of what it truly means to live this life with another person.  We have learned that this life can't just be about us or we will never be fulfilled.  We have learned that dreaming BIG is always a good idea and that music is in everything.

Steven Day you are an amazing man.  You don't pretend to be perfect, you are who you are, you love me with all your heart and you desire to parent lost and lonely children with me so we can show them Jesus and THAT says more about your heart than anything I could come up with.  You always make me laugh, you let me cry when I need to and my verbal processing hasn't scared you away yet :)  Can't wait to see what this year brings... and thanks for doing the  dishes this morning!!

I remember in March telling my mom I thought we would have kids in the house by July.  At the time that seemed like the most impossible thing because we weren't even considering the foster system at that point.  Now, 4 months later we are days away from approval and then could have kids in the house any time after that.  It's fun now to look back and see the stepping stones God laid out over the last 7 years to bring us to this point.

We began a tradition of taking a picture on the morning of our anniversary.. it's a new tradition, as in last year it began.  I think it's going to continue though because the goofiness that came out this morning was priceless!

The Entrance to our reception 7 years ago... to the imperial death march :)

first dance <3

last year's "fashion pose"
6 years
and here we are today...

tired, just out of bed, and a little crazy...

ok a lot of crazy

trying to take a nice one...

and then nice got boring :)

Steve called this the "brain sucker"

never a dull moment

we're letting you see us "raw" here :)

What?? We're serious...

ok, maybe not

love every moment with this goofy, handsome man... and he's gloriously all mine!
