A New Beginning

This past week was so full of changes... changes of location, job, mind set.. just a lot of change!  There are so many aspects of the last few months that I haven't written about because they were things I was praying about but just couldn't put into words yet.  This past week I saw a lot of things fall into place and so I can now begin to explain!

We all have moments in life that become defining of that period in time.  From that moment on everything is none as Before "insert your event" and After "insert your event".  December was one of those "defining moments" for me.  I've written about it over and over so I won't go into a ton of detail but my world crashed down, I crashed down.  As the months went one I began to see God pick up the pieces and form them into a much different picture than I expected.  My heart was and is still being radically changed, challenged and molded.  I can't say I've loved every moment of it but I can see how it has all been for a purpose.

In the months following December the ideas of loving the least of these, giving until it hurt, living a life that was not "normal" to the world and just going after WHATEVER God brought into our path began to dance or rather carve their way through my head.  I began to notice a hunger in me and a restlessness that I hadn't seen before.

As the restlessness grew I began to share it with Steve.  Honestly, he thought I was nuts at first.  I can't blame him as he'd walk into a room and I be there crying over a book and since I didn't really know what was going on in my heart at that point there was NO reference for him to even begin to understand.... fun times in the Day house.  This tug of war began. I dumped all the feelings and emotions and questions I had out and basically said we needed to do something NOW and of course, like any sane person, Steve had questions.

Looking back I can see how God was preparing both of us for change but in very different ways.  I began to ask Steve to read the books that were tearing my heart to spiritual shreds and he did.  I asked him to change our life upside down because I was restless and he WISELY said no, the time wasn't right.  So we waited and in that waiting period something beautiful happened.  As we waited and sought God with all our hearts, our hearts changed again.  All the emotion, questions and thoughts began to funnel  down into two central ideas: We are called to love the least of these (and that is a universal "we") and We cannot live a life that looks just like the world anymore.

Once we had those two ideas down things began to fall into place.  Suddenly foster care became something that wasn't  a "last resort" but an honor to be able to love, protect and cherish these little souls for as long as the Lord puts them in our path.  Suddenly a paycheck wasn't seen as the bottom line in a decision but something to offer to the Lord and trust his hand to provide (and he has over and over and over).

As we began to seek the Lord on where he would have us he made one thing very clear to me.  I had to put my trust in him and then let Him tell STEVE where and when we would be going.  My job as his wife and helpmate at that moment was to pray for Steve, stay focused and wait.  Not an easy job for a stubborn, strong willed, do'er.  I'm the one who will jump in at a moments notice... not usually the one that will silently pray for months without telling anyone...even your husband.  BUT that's what he was calling me to and I will never forget the day Steve called me and spoke the exact words I had prayed for him.  "Katie God is just really stirring my heart".  I will never forget that moment because it was when God truly taught my heart to allow Steve to lead our family.

As our hearts changed we also began to realize we were being called out from the church we currently serve at.  I think back on the last 6 years and how God has radically changed the hearts of these two wayward souls and I am humbled.  I am grateful for the time we had at Liberty Baptist, it was invaluable.  We were able to work along side godly, humble leaders who molded, invested and loved our family through hard times, good times and everything in between.  We were able to get training in missions and worship that we would not have had access to otherwise.  I know I personally had  ALL of my views on missions and faith challenged and strengthened working for the Missions Pastor there and Steve and I will never be the same.

But as in anything, all that training is worthless if we don't take the opportunity to step out and put it into practice.  In the last two weeks God has moved our hearts dramatically and called us out to begin leading worship and serving Catalyst Church in Newport News.  We are humbled to be given the opportunity and are amazed time and again at how faithful God has been during this transition.  He paved the way so that on all sides there is love, support and no competition at all.  I love seeing churches work together to further the kingdom.. because in the end we all have the same goal.  Our goal is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ grow in the lives and hearts of those in our community and that we come into contact with.

Needless to say we are hopelessly in love with this stage of life.  It isn't easy but the Lord has been so faithful.  In the coming weeks we will be transitioning from Liberty to Catalyst, hopefully welcoming our first kids into our home and waiting expectantly and joyfully for whatever the Lord brings next.  I just want to thank you ahead of time for the prayers, support and love you all have shown us and we know you will continue to show.

Be blessed!


Katie said…
Love this post! Thank you for your honesty! I can't wait to see what God does next!
Katie said…
Thanks! We are excited and waiting :)