Peace in the Passing Storm

Yesterday was one of the best ... no THE best anniversary we've ever had.  We didn't go to a fancy restaurant or even exchange gifts.. we just spent time TOGETHER and it was glorious.  I think both of us are becoming very aware that this stage of our life is rapidly coming to an end.

We're pretty sure by the end of July/beginning of August we'll begin the process of welcoming little ones into our home and life for the rest of our life.  We are both so excited and so ready but we are cherishing the moments we have together right now.

Last night we discovered that we can write music very effectively if my hands are busy cooking.  So while Steve played, I cooked.  It worked so well that we got the rough outline for one song and another idea is beginning to form for a lullaby of sorts (I use that term loosely).  The thing I love about writing with Steve is we put our life experience with adoption, waiting, God's faithfulness and hope directly into everything we write.  If we play something for you it's gonna be something at least a piece of our heart has been put into.  

The rest of the night was spent working on our pallet coffee table we're making and painting some furniture.  Sadly.. half way through the furniture building my body let me know that I hadn't taken care of it like I should have the day before.  That's the thing about eating no sugar or carbs etc... when you do you pay for it.  So Steve had me rest while he finished some things up and well the rest is none of your business ;)

All in all we are entering a season of complete change and we are so ready for it!  Bring it on year # 7!


Melissa Jeune said…
Very Exciting! I will follow your journey. We are doing Domestic Adoption. If you want to follow our journey the website is
Katie said…
Thanks for following us Melissa! Can't wait to catch up on your journey!