The Fruit of Faith is Love

I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love. - Mother Teresa

What does it really mean to "love until it hurts"?  I'm thinking through this today.  I don't think this means that you intentionally stay in damaging relationships or dangerous ones.  I think this means you are willing to give all of yourself for someone.. simply because they have a need.  I think true love is being willing to sacrifice it all for someone, even if they don't deserve it.  

I'm thinking through what this means today but I'm also asking... how would it look if everyone who called themselves a child of God was willing to "love until it hurt"?  What would it look like if we put aside any notion that we knew what someone's intentions were, what they deserve or that we have any idea what their life is really like. If we set all that aside and truly sought to meet the needs we saw and had no expectations... what would happen then???

What would happen???
