A Study of the Home

So today we finished our home study.  It consisted of several more intense questions.. these were the hardest of all of it, a tour of the house and then we were done! It was easy well as easy as it can be but honestly it's all been very smooth.  We handed her our $7000.00 check and briefly said a pray of thanks for every person God brought along to help us make that goal.

Now is the waiting period.  Now is the time where we let go of all control, trust and trust some more.  We would ask for prayer about a situation that has come up.  I cannot share any details here but would ask you pray for wisdom, guidance and peace for us. We have a decision to make very quickly and I leave the country in two days.

I will be blogging from Kenya as I can so make sure to check back for that!  Until then listen to this song, it's beautiful, describes adoption and is a beautiful description of Jesus! * If you get this emailed you you will need to go to the blog to hear the song!  


Jen said…
Such a great flow to your writing. Prayers for your decision ahead. Excited that dreadful homestudy is done! Looking forward to reading more in days to come.
A new follower,
Jeni said…
Katie, I'm so glad to hear that your homestudy is finished!! I totally remember that feeling!!