Peaceful moments

Yesterday was such a hard day. I know I wrote about it a little yesterday but I just keep thinking about that walk through Kibera and the jumble of emotions that came as a result for both my brother and I. It's hard being seeing that amount of poverty and knowing at this point you can only pray for those you met and that live there and let others know about what's going on there. So if you have a minute go check out St. Martha's and see what's going on in the Kibera slums that brings hope!

Today we woke up after sleeping the whole night...yay for jet lag finally subsiding!... And had an earlier start. We packed up and headed to the Compass school. I was expecting it to be a nice time if maybe a little awkward since we would be on our own but it was the exact opposite! As soon as we walked on the campus we were met by the school administrator who was an amazing woman! She showed us some projects they had going on then we got to go introduce ourselves to the children. All in all at Compass there are over 300 children at this school from 3years old to 13. Every child that is there is a needy child. This means they are orphans, have been abandoned by the one parent they have, are HIV positive or a refugee. a lot of these children live alone and eat one meal a day that the school provides. The school really is amazing. The teachers all work faithfully even though they have not been paid in 5 months, they provide uniforms for each and meals. It is an amazing operation that is existing on nothing!

After introductions we were all turned loose in the yard. They sang and danced for me, we jumped rope, I got my hair braided and drew played soccer for 2 hours. All in all it was a beautiful morning full or precious moments, sweet conversation and lots of laughter! It left me pondering the need we all have to be loved. 3 year olds literally flocked around me. I would reach out and pull on into my lap and instead of squirming or running off to play they would just silently sink into my lap, take my hand and wrap it around theirs and just begin rubbing my arm. It was the most precious and yet heartbreaking thing to see. They just wanted that Touch, to know someone cared.

I've spent a lot of time with a missionary family here that my family has known for a long time. I have loved every moment of it and soaked it up. They genuinely love each other and love being with each other. I have learned that if you don't fill your day with those things you are passionate about you will be miserable. Even a step further if you try to fill your day with things that please you and not God you will be even more miserable. Serving God does not mean exhaustive work that leaves you empty. Serving God is a joy that fills you. I have learned that I want to surround myself with those that encourage and challenge me, those that bring a calm to my life, those that love me and my family. I have learned you can feel you have known someone your whole life whonyou just met and you can completely grow apart from those you have known your whole life. It matters who and what you surround yourself with!

Be well my friends!


Kierstin said…
Thank you for sharing your journey! Keep it coming!! I feel enriched by your words and experience! God Bless You!!