757 and Other Things

Last night was the first night of 757 at our church. A little while back I was asked to start leading for this when it kicked off. After a lot of prayer and seeking God, Katie and I decided that it was where we should be. We had led for our churches college ministry last summer and really enjoyed it, but it was a difficult thing to manage two bands and be ready. However, since these nights have been switched to Tuesday nights at 7, I get a little bit of a break. Granted it's a lot of work, but after last night, it was totally worth all of it!

I really didn't know what to expect when we first started talking about this. I think in my mind I figured we'd have about 75 people show up. Well, when all was said and done, we had almost a 140 people! While I don't think that numbers always mean that you're doing something right, last night would have been the exception. It was amazing to see a room full of people in their 20s and 30s lifting hands high in worship.

Last night was also an experiment. When Dalton asked me about leading worship for Fusion, we both agreed that we wanted to try something new (or at least different for how we'd been doing things). We changed our format and started out only with a few songs and then went into a time of prayer and preaching. After that we went back into a time of worship. I don't know about anyone else, but for me it really worked. I've seen this done in a few places and have always liked it. Oh, did I mention that we had it loud? Not quite concert levels but there was definitely some serious dB kicking in that room.

So, if you missed last night, don't worry, we'll be doing it every Tuesday night at 7 until the Lord comes back or moves us to change again.

In other news, this past weekend I got to enjoy some time with my parents. It was a ton of fun. I think Katie has a post coming up about it, so I don't want to steal her thunder (plus she has all of the pictures...) I will mention that I decided to re-read "Velvet Elvis" by Rob Bell as I've had a lot of friends who seem to be very influenced by this book. Over the next few weeks or so I'm going to try to post a biblical review of the content of the book. The short and skinny is that there is a lot to be worried about.
