Never Once

The Worship Team we serve on has a once a month gathering where we get together and discuss what God has been doing in our lives. We also have been going over this book called Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin (which I highly recommend even if you aren't a worship leader). This past meeting was, in my opinion, one of the best meetings we've ever had. I think it's taken us a while to start being completely open and transparent with each other but man did we lay it all out.
Jeff had me lead some songs for the group and once we were done, he simply said, "Tell me something good y'all". We all proceeded to share things God was doing in our lives. I spoke up talked about God's faithfulness. One thing Katie and I have been learning in this entire process is that God is beyond faithful. I remember when we started the adoption process and saw the final "number" there was a moment were I had an internal freakout. "Could it really cost that much? How are we ever gonna find the money for that?" I asked myself those questions and numbers of others.

However, as I shared with the group the other nigh
t, there hasn't been a single time where we have wanted even a penny for each step. God has been faithful to provide every thing that we've needed at exactly the right time. God has used many of you who read this blog in our journey (which we are incredibly thankful for - you guys rock).

Well, imagine my surprise when I checked my email on Tuesday and saw that Matt Redman had a new song out. I like his stuff so I naturally checked it out. Then I saw the chorus:

Never once did we ever walk aloneNever once did You leave us on our own
You are faithful, God, You are faithful
Needless to say, this has gotten heavy rotation on both my mental and physical playlists. Whatever you may be going through, I can promise one thing, God is faithful to those who surrender themselves to Him. If you don't know what that is like, let us know, we'd love to tell you more.


Mya Perdun said…
i agree that this past meeting was the best one. it was nice to hear everyone (myself included) open up and be honest with each other. I'm gonna have to check that song out, sounds good. :)