And the Suspense Begins...
So, this morning my lovely wife IMs me a news story about the country we're looking to adopt from. Because this country is moving towards the Hague Convention (a whole lot of human rights stuff that directly affects adoption - a really good thing) they have temporarily suspended all adoption. The suspension will be lifted once they have fully adopted all the standards. Sometimes that can take a year or more to do.
It would be easy to look at that and get discouraged if we weren't believers. However, we've been praying a lot lately about learning how to trust God in all things. We've prayed specifically that he would open the doors exactly when we need them.
I'll admit, trusting God is not always easy, which is funny when you think about it. How many times does God display his power and his caring for us and yet we constantly think that maybe this time he won't come through.
Needless to say, Katie and I both agree that God is working hugely in this situation for us. Our plan was to start the process of adoption in a year, so if the Lord delays that process, he's only allowing us more time to get things ready. From what we can tell, this might only delay us another 6 months to a year (worst case scenario).