How cool is this? Steve and I both wanted to find a way to learn some of the native language of Rwanda... ok I guess now is when I'll say it, we're going to be adopting from Rwanda, the Land of a Thousand Hills!
We were talking earlier this morning when we heard it about how neat God's timing is. I was so resistent when Steve told me God was telling him we needed to wait until next Summer. I wanted to start now. Essentially I wanted my cake and to eat it to. But when we read the news this morning it was a gentle reminder from Jesus "I've got this guys. I know who your babies are. I know when they will be ready. It will not happen before the time is right." What a relief!
This also gives us more time to get the house ready to sell, save and raise money for adoption costs, cover this in prayer and just enjoy the experience. I don't want it to be a bundle of stressful nerves as we anxiously go through this process. I want to enjoy it, even the ugly bits and know his hand is guiding us. It's so obvious, I see it in everything.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Mine will be full of friends, festivals, family and cleaning. Once again my house has gotten away from me :)
love to all !