Thankfully Exhausted )

This is how I feel today:  

I have been really working a lot lately... last night I had to take some work home and finished around 8:15pm.  Well because I was working I didn't get to go to our Dave Ramsey class so Steve was representing "woot woot".  Well once he got home it was all "let's cuddle on the couch.  I haven't seen you all day"  This was me saying that by the way.  So next thing I know it's 10:30pm and we still haven't gone to bed.  <- this is where I interject the fact that 9:30 is the normal time we go to bed... as in are asleep.  It's an amazing night when it's 8:30 cause that means I'll be super energetic the next day.  We needs lots of sleep... we've always been that way.  Well I didn't get that sleep last night... thus the picture.

Anyways, I've been kinda emotional the last few days.  We have this horrible habit of over committing ourselves to things.  Then we get to a point where the house is trashed and there's no food in the house and I just kinda get extremely overwhelmed for a bit. Last night Steve was so sweet and folded and put away all the laundry that had been sitting in the basket for the last week.... yes I'm confessing to the whole blog-sphere that I have not put away laundry in over a week!!!  Not only that but I hadn't even DONE laundry until yesterday.  Does anyone else feel the stress mount as they see that pile grow?  I think because we don't have kids yet that I feel guilty when it doesn't get done... but then I remind myself that I have to be home for it to get done and that has become a almost physical impossibility.  I know we can't keep this pace up forever and so we've started talking about what needs to go... I know something does so we're praying and seeing what God show's us.

Anyways, that's it for now... talking about my dirty house and how tired I am isn't that exciting so I'll stop cause I could go onnn and onnn about that one today :)

ohh but I was looking through google images and just saw this picture and I am TOTALLY getting that put on my wall as soon as I can force convince Steve to let me do it :)

love to all! 
